lunes, 19 de octubre de 2020

‘Muscles In You’ Song

Muscles in you
Muscles in you
Muscles in you, muscles in you, muscles in you.

Muscles in you
Muscles in you
Muscles in you, muscles in you, muscles in you.

There’s biceps and there’s triceps
Pectorals and abdominals
There’s quadriceps and calves
And there’s your gluteus.

There’s biceps and there’s triceps
Pectorals and abdominals
There’s quadriceps and calves
And there’s your gluteus.

Muscles in you.

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2020


Temporalizaciones y contenidos

 En los siguientes enlaces podrán ver lo que se va a trabajar en los diferentes trimestres en las áreas de:

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2020

Bones Rock 'n Roll

Many bones in the skeleton,
206(two hundred and six).
Many bones in the skeleton,
206(two hundred and six).
You gotta drink milk for the calcium
And eat fish for vitamin D.        
In the head you have the cranium,
The pelvis in the hip.
In the head you have the cranium,
The pelvis in the hip.
The longest bone is the femur,
In the torso are the ribs.

In the back you have the column,
Made of vertebrates.
In the back you have the column,
Made of vertebrates.
In the arms you find the humerus
The tibia is in the leg.